Wednesday, June 4, 2008

In the Middle of a Whirlwind

i wrote an article in the web-based journal In the Middle of a Whirlwind, put out by Team Colors Collective and the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest. the article is Philly's Pissed: Shifting the Balance of Power in Our Communities; it's about working against sexual assault in radical/queer communities (you can also follow this direct link).

dad. zine

last winter i wrote a zine about my dad. it's about family & vision & politics & south africa & coming out as trans to dead people. grief, loss and regret, exile, memory, stories and how they're told. you can order it from stranger danger distro or riot grrrrrr distro or from me directly (email timot at riseup dot net). if you're in NYC, it's also available at Bluestockings.